
Showing posts from August, 2021

LIFE Is Predictable

  Growing up, I wouldn't believe this- " life is predictable ", How? We had always been taught that life is mysterious and whimsical. It happens anyhow and you don't know what will happen to you. You don't know if God will help you or somebody will hate you. It's always by luck or by fate. Nothing is predictable. You can't plan anything. You just subject yourself to luck and miracles.  To say life is predictable, I don't mean change will not happen one way or the other. But you have the power to make it and turn it to  the direction that you want. And because it is inevitable, it  happens anyways.  But with the old mindset that I had, it is easier to believe that there is absolutely nothing you can do about predicting your life. You just wait to see which direction your life will go. There's nothing you can do about the government or the condition in your country. You just believe that God would solve all the problems and if He does not, there'

GOD Didn't Perform Miracle to Create HEAVENS & EARTH, He WORKED!

  Yes, you read it right.  It wasn't a miracle that did the creation of heavens and earth.  It was work.  How did I know it was work and not miracle?  Let me explain.  What happened in the account of creation in the book of Genesis was similar to what could happen to us in any seemingly hopeless situation.  Instead of waiting for a miracle, God worked.  How?  First, when He created the heavens and the earth, the earth was void and empty.  Darkness was everywhere.  Then the Spirit of God and the word of God began to work. God used six days to do his work.  And on the seventh day, he rested.  I think it's someone who has worked that rest.  A person who didn't work has no need to rest.  God didn't look for shortcuts even though he could find one, but he did work.  So why won't you work?  If God our creator, the maker of heavens and earth worked, then we've got no excuse not to work.  Jesus said-  My father works hitherto and I work.  I sometimes hear some people s